Saturday, November 20, 2010

Local government makes contibution

On Nov 12 2010 a ceremony took place at the District Headquarters of Kamuli to hand over materials such as eves troughs that will be attached to a second building at Kinu School. These materials will help to collect the rainwater for storage in a 10,000 L tank. This water will then be used for irrigating several garden plots and nursery. The pledge for material support was made by Mr. Steven Mubiru, District Chairperson of Kamuli (wearing a yellow shirt in photo). The gathering also included Mr. Joseph Musoke (at the left of the photo), District Education Officer of Kamuli and Ms. Catherine Amal (wearing dark blue skirt), Chief Administrative Officer of Kamuli.


Unknown said...

So wonderful updates reflected by the CASP looks and sounds good to Uganda.

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