Saturday, December 5, 2009

Welcome Glen Ames

Junior School, Grade 7 & 8

Mr. Moses Lyagoba, CASP Director in Uganda has asked me to thank you for joining our "family of schools" involved in the Ugandan Water & Garden Project.

Everyone is very excited to hear that you might be able to help build a water tank to provide irrigation for the school garden.  This water will be critically important to the success of the garden.  It will ultimately help feed the 700 students at Kinu Primary School (age 6-16 yrs).

I can't wait to see the look on the kids' faces when they see the soccer balls you are sending over!!!  (I'll post photos of course)

It was great to come out to speak to such an energetic group.  You are obviously committed to the Me to We process!  And we are really excited about working with you!


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