Friday, March 5, 2010

Water Talks in Toronto: March 20 & 31

Council of Canadians Water Forum

Saturday, March 20th from 10am to 5:30pm

What:  Toronto Chapter Water Forum

Location:  Metro Hall, 55 John Street, Room 308/309

Doors open at 9:30.  Speeches begin promptly at 10am.


Speakers Include:

Toronto and Region Conservation Authority   

Hamilton Bay Area Restoration Council

Centre for the Environment

Wellington Water Watchers

Oak Ridges Moraine Foundation

Hamilton Conserver Society

Citizens for a Safe Environment

STORM Coalition

Polaris Foundation

Great Lakes United


Cost:  Free!  Everyone is welcome.

Preserving Ontario's Headwaters
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Headwaters consist of small streams and wetlands. Together, they constitute most of the length and provide the majority of the flow, nutrients, organic material, and niche habitats of our watercourses.

To help preserve these valuable components of our regional ecosystems, please join us at a community workshop to discuss:

·         the importance of Ontario’s headwaters,
·         current policy & stewardship initiatives, and
·         collaborative efforts for the future.

Seven workshops are being staged from Elora to Peterborough thanks to funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, extensive support from conservation authorities, and the participation of both local event and regional communication partners, including the Ontario Environment Network Water Caucus.

Registration is free but required in advance in order to ensure that enough coffee, chairs, and handouts are available.

Detailed agendas and maps to each event are available at

Workshop dates and event partners include:

Wednesday, March 31 - Toronto and Region Conservation Authority

Questions or registration should be directed to Andrew McCammon at the Ontario Headwaters Institute, either at 416 231 9484 or via



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